Culinary Conditioners
Who needs costly salon products when you can give your hair a little TLC with these food-based treatments?
1. Eggs - To help strengthen and repair damage to hair follicles and give your hair a shine and body boost, mix a couple of eggs in a bowl like you're going to scramble them. Use the egg mixture as a conditioner after shampooing, allowing the mixture to soak in for a minute or two before rinsing.
2. Bananas - The potassium in this fruit can help soothe blow-dryer and chemical-induced damage. Mash a ripe banana into a smooth puree, and massage it into your locks. Let it sit about 15 minutes before rinsing.
3. Mayo - This sandwich staple can help soften coarse and bristly strands. Just apply a cup of the stuff to your hair when it's dry, and massage it into your scalp. Shampoo it out after about 15 minutes.